Featured Groups on Index Page

Does anyone have a quick code fix for including Featured Groups on the custom index page? I don't want to use any of the widget plugins as have tried them and they don't work for me. I use Easy Theme 1.3.2 with Custom Index 1.8. This puts latest groups on my index page by default but I also would like Featured Group on too.

  • Sorry, can't help you with that exactly, but the custom widget index that comes with the widget-manager plugin (highly recommended) has a special widget that lets you list group blogs in a "image-slider" like view. For me at least that's even better than "just" featuring groups.

  • The 'Featured Groups' lets the admin decide which groups to list...the 'Group News' allows each member to chose which groups (their Blogs) are listed.  Personally I think you would want them both available.


  • Thanks' Krischan and Clyde, your answers are appreciated but do not answer my question. Searching the Elgg site, I see that this topic comes up from time to time, but seems never to be completely resolved.

  • 'Quick code fix' isn't in my abilities  @jon666 .  I have groups, featured groups and group news available for all my members to use, if they want, using the very plug ins you don't want to use. I don't have another method for you. 

  • Will try using code from groups/sidebar/featured.php and inserting it on custom_index.php. Don't see why that shouldn't work. The code is:

    $featured_groups = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array(
        'metadata_name' => 'featured_group',
        'metadata_value' => 'yes',
        'types' => 'group',
        'limit' => 10,

    if ($featured_groups) {

        $body = '';
        foreach ($featured_groups as $group) {
            $body .= elgg_view_entity($group, array('full_view' => false));

        echo elgg_view_module('aside', elgg_echo("groups:featured"), $body);

  • Wow, it actually works - and perfectly! Many thanks RvR for giving me that boost!