Garbage Collector and removing data

By fixing period to one week in settings of garbage collector plugin, it means that gc will remove all metastrings every week ?

  • No, not all metastrings. Just the orphaned ones that are not used anymore.

  • Thank's Juho.

    I try to read gc plugin code and i find the query used to delete metastring that don't have metadatas and annotations.

    SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings WHERE
                (id NOT IN (SELECT name_id FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata)) AND
                (id NOT IN (SELECT value_id FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata)) AND
                (id NOT IN (SELECT name_id FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations)) AND
                (id NOT IN (SELECT value_id FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations))

  • Never,It will delete only those which does not have metadatas and annotations as said by @ Riadh Hamdi