I need a solution for people to send/recieve messages without an account.
Can this be approached like done so on craigslist?
- Speedysnail6/Ben
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- rjcalifornia@rjcalifornia

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- Ben Potter@Speedysnail6

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- rjcalifornia@rjcalifornia

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- Ben Potter@Speedysnail6

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- iionly@iionly

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- Ben Potter@Speedysnail6

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- Arsalan Shah@arsalanlee

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- Ben Potter@Speedysnail6

Ben Potter - 0 likes
- Ben Potter@Speedysnail6

Ben Potter - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.This is a little bit tricky, you have to do several modifications to accomplish this. For instance, the 'private message' form has to be sent from someone, may be modify it to use an 'anonymous' account thing, and just leave the 'enter message' form available.
Rodolfo Hernandez
rvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
Is it possible to make the username it is sent from an actual email, and allow the user to send to an email address, instead of just an account on my elgg network?
Remember the contact us plugin that Dhrup modified from my contact us plugin? He used the 'report content' hooks to do that, so you could use that and instead of sending to the admin, you could get the member username and send it to him, without being logged in.
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
Sending to the admin?
Can we turn elgg messages into a small email client and all users automatically get an email which is their username?
@Speedysnail6, sending a message from user email to his friend ... will spam your website.
I'd appreciate help with this. This is really needed on my site.