I'm trying to upgrade from 1.7 elgg to 1.8 but I keep getting the error message The action file for login was not found.
I just plugged in a 1.7 database I have and a fresh copy of 1.8 files.
Is there somethng wrong with the database? It works perfectly with 1.7
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24

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- zeroflares@wbang

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- iionly@iionly

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- zeroflares@wbang

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- Matt Beckett@Beck24

Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- zeroflares@wbang

zeroflares - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24

Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- zeroflares@wbang

zeroflares - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24

Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- iionly@iionly

iionly - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.do you have the 1.8 copy of htaccess?
When I ran the 1.8 installer to connect to the database it appears to have created one.
Read the instructions in UPGRADE.txt that is included in the Elgg zip archive. If you upgrade a site you do not need to run the installer. When upgrading from Elgg 1.7 to Elgg 1.8 there are a few things you need to do that are not necessary when upgrading a site from one 1.7 version to another or an 1.8 version to another. So, it's really the best you read what to do in UPGRADE.txt first.
Hmm iionly,
I'm not upgrading exactly. I said installer because the screen told me it was called installer when I went to http://localhost/elgg/
I am using a 1.7 database that works fine in 1.7. But I have no install. I just have the database.
I put a fresh copy of elgg 1.8 into localhost/elgg/
Went to the address then it told me to input my database details (which is the install url). I did so everything is done but I just can't login.
Saying "The action file for login was not found."
Do a fresh install of elgg 1.8 with an empty database, then edit the engine/settings.php to point to the old 1.7 database and run upgrade.php
The installer tries to create tables and things in the database, I've never attempted to run it that way and enter credentials for an existing elgg database.
Tried it. Installed 1.8 perfectly but when swapped it gives me that "The action file for login was not found." somehow. Looks like there's something wrong with the database but it works fine in 1.7 hmmmmmmm
Are the document root and dataroot entries correct?
I wish I knew.
I just know that it works on 1.7 perfectly but not on 1.8. thread the upgrade was hard back when it was first release but thought it would get easier.
The upgrade process hasn't changed, I would check you entries for path and dataroot in the datalists table
Are you trying to use the Elgg 1.7 database on an Elgg 1.8 version on the same server - with same domain name, same location of Elgg install directory and same location of data directory? If not, you would need to make some adjustments in the database as described here: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/DuplicateInstallation.
If it's the same server you might still need to adjust at least the RewriteBase entry in the (new Elgg 1.8) .htaccess file in case you installed Elgg into a subdirectory (e.g. accessing it with http://mydomain/elgg instead of http://mydomain). The comment in the .htaccess file will tell you what to do.
And to make it clear: you are doing an "upgrade" rather than doing a fresh install as you want to continue to use an old database (and the corresponding data directory). If you don't have the old Elgg 1.7 files on the server anymore you will not need to remove them before installing the Elgg 1.8 files. But all the other steps are quite the same as described in the upgrade instructions. In any case you would need to run upgrade.php after switching to the old database. This is necessary to make the database an Elgg 1.8 database.
You also need to keep in mind that any 3rd party plugins that were present when the Elgg 1.7 database was in use on Elgg 1.7 and are now missing in your fresh Elgg 1.8 installation could result in problems, too. Best would have been to disable them all on Elgg 1.7 before trying to use the database on Elgg 1.8 now.