I'm migrating my site to a new server (RH 6.3 with Apache 2.2.15 and PHP 5.4.15) and I'm having all kinds of problems. THe first issue was that I could not get install script to get past the Rewriterule test. Finally ignored the error and moved but now the site does not allow me to view any advanced admin functions when the Simple Cache is diabled. With the Simple Cache enabled all is fine. I've ensured that the server and client caches are cleared. I'm at my wits end!
Any help would be appreciated
(Unless this is an IE9 javascript caching problem?!)
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- Paweł Sroka@srokap
Paweł Sroka - 0 likes
- Charles D@cdegrass
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- iionly@iionly
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- Charles D@cdegrass
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.Elgg won't work without mod_rewrite properly configured, you need to fix this problem first.
You should set AllowOverride All in your web server config. Make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache. Make sure to properly setup .htaccess file (RewriteBase might need adjusting if your istall is in domain's "subdir")
Mod_rewite is working on my site and the AllowOverride is set to All as specified. I have tested the mod_rewrite by creating a special rewrite site on my server. I know for sure it is loaded and working. When you diable the Simple Cache where does Elgg try to load the Admin menus from and how? Admin-Configure-Settings?
On another note I looked at the code within the ElggRewriteTester.php and I don't understand the logic. Seems to be backwards...
Check if all your plugins are up-to-date. You might also disable 3rd party plugins to see if the error is caused by any of them.
It turns out that Elgg is not the only thing that does not work on this config. After installing 2 LAMP stacks on the same server (only run one at a time) only the 32 bit XAMPP will successfully run the Elgg and the Cometchat addon. I'm running RH 6.3 (64bit) with Apache 2.2.15 and PHP 5.3.3
Has anyone had any success with this config?
I can't say for sure, I run XAMPP in my localhost - never had a problem
I've run it on servers sporting RH, ubuntu, and CentOS