What is the requirement to make likes button on profiles so other users can Like profile pages?
I tried adding button on profile, it showed button at first but than it gives white screen. I did manage to add the button to "entity menu" ( for example in members list) and worked except notification does not go out.
Anyone knows why does not work on profile page? Anyone tried before?
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- This Script Lover@elgglover

This Script Lover - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- This Script Lover@elgglover

This Script Lover - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000

DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- Marco@marcomarco

Marco - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.I'm starting to think it's because likes looks for the entity that got liked, isn't user an entity?
I changed the function a bit:
if (!$user instanceof ElggUser) { return false; } if (!$liker instanceof ElggUser) { return false; } if (!$entity instanceof ElggUser) { return false; } $title_str = $entity->name; $site = get_config('site'); $subject = elgg_echo('likes:notifications:subject', array( $liker->name, $title_str )); $body = elgg_echo('likes:notifications:body', array( $user->name, $liker->name, $title_str, $site->name, $entity->getURL(), $liker->getURL() )); notify_user($user->guid, $liker->guid, $subject, $body );
Anyone see anything wrong with it?
likes/start.php ?
// don't like users #4116
if ($item->type == "user") {
return $return;
Thanks DDS but that is only for river menu. Tried removing that but it just adds likes on river menu for profiles.
It actually works if I add the button to owner block menu but not if I try to add it to actions menu. Not sure why that makes difference.
Just to confirm, User is an entity right?
read up likes_entity_menu_setup for the code to handle entity 'likes'.
Hi This Scrip Lover,
Did you succeed to add likes on profiles?
If yes, Can you share the detailed steps with us?
Also, do you know a way to add likes on Group members? and users members?