Lossing all the pluggin settings and the eidted profile fields

Dear friends i am on elgg v1.5. i am having a strange problem that all my pluggin settings and customised profile fields are getting losted in 2 days. Any help appreciated.

  • prem,

    You are going to have to provide more detail beyond "getting losted" if you want help. What did you do originally and what does it look like now? Are you really saying that you did nothing in between but that your site somehow changed itself?

  • Sorry kevin for the dual post.

    I dont know how its happening.  iam using these pluggins

    custom_index, bookmarks, ad, pages, profile, autosubscribegroup,

    chat, contact, feeds, quoteoftheday, thewire, tidypics, event_calendar

    ,garbagecollector, groups, messages, file, messageboard, logrotate,logbrowser

    diagnostics, adcategories, categories, contact_importer, crontrigger

    defaultwidgets, externalpages, invitefriends, members, myspace

    notifications, poll, profile_up, request_password, riverdashboard

    twitter, twitterservice, walltowall, izap-profile-visitors, tagcloud, user_status

    zaudio, embed, tinymce, izap_videos, siteaccess, reportedcontent, friends, blog

    The thing is that yesterday i looked under the tools>pluggin settings all the settings are missed. So i reseted it. and also the profile fields  also. but today i went to the tools session the also there is nothing in the settings and in the replace profile fields page. if you need an access to my server i will give it. please pm me. i am relly in need of help.

  • That bad thing happened just now also

  • What was the "bad thing"? Can you give a specific example of something you set that seems to have unset itself?

  • Hi, Kevin!

    I would guess he's having same problem as me. I've searched Elgg about this, but didn't find anything, so I posted a question on Hackers Elggalaxy. Now, browsing the forums, I came across this thread.

    I'll copy my question here, so you don't have to go there if you want to know more. Here it goes:


    Hi, guys. First of all, please forgive my possibly bad English, it's not my native language.

    I've been working with Elgg for some months, slowly learning my way around it. I've made my fair share of hacks, which I intend to share here. I haven't shared it yet because I have launched my site on Monday, things have been crazy here and I have to clean up my code a bit.

    I didn't want to ask for help before I contribute with something, but I'm having a kind of urgent problem. For some reason, some of the plugins I have installed are reverting to the default settings, and I can't figure out why.

    The site was working perfectly, and all of the sudden the plugins reverted to default settings last Friday. I thought it was some conflict with the chat plugin, which I installed to test before opening the site. I disabled and deleted the chat plugin, reconfigured the settings of the other plugins and everything went fine - until today, when they reverted to default settings again.

    The plugins reverting back include siteaccess, event calendar, vazco mainpage and some others. I've browsed the site logs and diagnostics, and didn't find anything unusual. I've searched the forums here, and didn't find anything either.

    If anyone can shed some light about this issue, or point me to where I should be looking to find what's causing this, I will be very thankful.

    Whether you can help me or not, I'll be sharing my little hacks next week - which include drop-down menus to Skotmiller's canvas menu and little improvements to different plugins. :)

    Thanks in advance!

  • @ kevin eg: is that i am loosing the code for site access, feeds api key, then i changed the events calender to any logged in user can post an event, but it changes to only admin can post, when i am going to replace profile field page there is nothing.

  • OK, it always helps to know that more than one person is seeing what seems to be the same bug.

    These settings are defined in the private_settings table. It would helpful if you could confirm (perhaps using phpMyAdmin) that the settings are being deleted from this table.

    This table is also used for storing widget information, so perhaps a miscoded widget plugin is damaging the private_settings table?

  • Also had this a few days ago (at least, all profile fields = gone), but I'm fairly sure mine was caused by turning all plugins off, then on again, thanks to my mouse jerking the wrong way just as I was clicking on something else. -.-

  • Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for the response. I'll look into the table, and post here if I find out anything. However, I think that I'll only be able to confirm it if the plugins settings are lost again, and I REALLY hope it doesn't happen again. :) Off course I know it probably will anyway, so if/when it happens, I'll check the table before I do anything else.

    Meanwhile, if I had a miscoded widget plugin, shouldn't it caused trouble when I first installed it? I'm not sure but I think I didn't activate any plugins except for the chat plugin, the first day the settings were lost, but the settings weren't lost right away - it happenned hours later.

    And I am absolutely sure I didn't install or activate any plugins yesterday, when it happened again. Could be that the chat plugin (which  is my nº1 suspect) left some data corrupted in the DB? And if that's the case, why the problem reappered only a few days later, and didn't hapenned the same day I re-configured the settings?

    Hum, I see Prem is using chat also. Prem, your chat is Jeroen's beta chat, or some other chat mod? If it's the same chat, I think we may have our culprit.

  • You could grep the source of your chat plugin for "private_settings". If that plugin is monkeying with them, then that is suspicious right away.