Is it practical to activate the same plugin twice from one's list of plugins? I would like to use the blog plugin for my users to publish certain content, but still run the legit blog script too. I'd just change the plugin folder name and a few things in the language file. Would Elgg see this as two separate plugins or get confused?!
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you not knows what u r doing ;-) elgg will become as confused as you are... it will be better to start learning & then learn to code properly with php, elgg api, etc than to blunder, blowing smoke in the darkness. there are many resources on the web to help with learning @code.
you have to change for than a few things in the language file. the functions would have the same name and it would confuse elgg. as an example of how to change the blogs plugin to another name compare it to:
cos: u r suchh a nice guy! i wish i had not taught u 2 B sooo nice w/ helping others lolzzz ;-oO;X;P did i teach you that well ? ;oO i guess u r just doing as you have been done by... ;-P
i dont understand what he is trying to accomplish though. use a blog to publish certain content, but use a blog to publish "legit"?? blog?
sounds like the usual clone existing plugin for a slightly different purpose / use; but
it will definitely help us to help him if he had time to come back after 4 hours and
actually have a converstion with us.. or do we just discuss this amongst ourselves...?
i think what he wants is the news plugin with an option to let users publish, which i have such a thing. not sure if it is in the current release or not, but i do have a version that allows it.
weelll - it's been 6 hours and as long as he don't come online to comment we'll be here discussing what he'll have for breakfast lolzz !;-P
im thinking ham and eggs
Thanks for all the suggestions. I had been using the Pages plugin for my users to publish one off articles, but it had the drawback (for me) of the superfluous wiki stuff. As none of my users seem interested in starting a blog I think I'll just delete the Pages plugin and use the blog for the one off articles.
Sorry for the delay responding. Don't know where you're located DhrupDeScoop, but I'm on Eastern Daylight time and was sleeping all night.
if you want a seperate plugin, the news plugin mentioned above works great. The version in the link if for admin only, with alot of options for admins to post anon. But i have a version of the news plugin that is for admin/users. All the same options of the admin only, but allows users to post. if you want it just PM me.
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