i havent kept up with or read in awhile about the improvements coming in 1.9 (or a predicted release date). But whats the latest? and plan in the works for ajaxing (pagination would be extremely nice)?
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Chk out whatsshisnames ajax stuff google gsoc summer code for elgg ajax ifying...
are you talking about "blacktooth" Scoop? and i was wondering because if there is going to be some kind of it in 1.9 and it was to release in the near future, then i wouldnt bother screwing with it for a plugin i am working on.
Yepz,,, snds abt rite
Ajax @ 1.9 depends on core team..
But btooth code v good to study learn how stuff works..
Elgg should include Ajax as part of the core, to reduce server load. I've been testing some plugins that add 'ajaxify' some components of elgg in an elgg demo against another demo that doesn't have such plugins. Server reports tells that there's less cpu processing in the on with the Ajax plugins.
Should we pull a Trac Request to include Ajax in elgg 1.9?
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
i think there is one, thats why i was asking. if it going to get pushed to 1.10, then i will go ahead and try to do what i want, if the plan is 1.9 then i will probably wait
As far as I know it was originally a goal to add more ajaxification, however Evan has done some work with integrating a new a js framework which should make all javascript in general much easier to deal with - but will probably push full ajaxification to a later release once the js framework is fully solidified.
hmmm. any interesting links for the elgg/evan JS stuffs ?
Depends on your definition of interesting :)
1.9 comes with AMD support which gives us a nice foundation upon which we can scale the JavaScript codebase. Looks like 1.10 is going to be the real AJAX release. We'll likely integrate a JS framework like Angular (my preference) and implement some reusable components with it. 1.10 should also include a UI testing story. We know how brittle these things can be, so testing is critical. This is part of the reason I prefer angular: it comes with a very nice testing story.
Hi All,
Just for my understanding why can't we make current version 1.8.14 or 1.9 elgg version on AJAX. As per my understanding AJAX is just used for getting Response without page refresh. Here we just need to add ajax call\Calls in every response. Still I am not very sure why this need full architecture change of elgg.
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