Hi friend,
i try this last few hours, i can't fixed this. in the tidypics photo gallery , i try to upload the image but the image can't add to album, the image was upload i check the action file the batch value doesn't not exist in the metastring table, cross check th upload file and other js file but it doesn't working , i try in basic uploader it's working but the flash uploader is not working. how can i fix this issue
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
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- Sharon@sharon
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- Cim@manacim
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- iionly@iionly
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You must log in to post replies.That flash uploader has never worked for me. I just disable it in the plugin settings.
Hi Matt Beckett
This the only way ?
But before i used that uploading, now day only that issue occurred.
Then you check what change made recently.. :)
Hi Sharon
I didn't touch any things in that plugins, other development i have made.
flash upload works for me but flash upload doesn't work for me in group photo upload
Hi $('Cim')
I'm not upload the group of file i have upload only one file at a time. the issue is the batch value doesn't not exist in the metastring table. that batch is current date time.
For the time being stay on using the basic uploader if you are not 100% sure the flash uploader works without issues on your server. The problem is that the flash uploader has some issues specific to server configuration, so it's also not easy to debug and fix these issues. It might work perfectly on one server while it fails to work on others.
You might want to give my slightly updated version of Tidypics a chance: http://community.elgg.org/plugins/1194049/1.8.2beta2/elgg-18-tidypics. While I have not yet had the time to work on the flash uploader I fixed at least one issue that affected both the basic and flash uploader that caused image entries getting created even when the upload of the image failed. Apart from this fixed issue the flash uploader will not work any better yet. On the other hand the basic uploader is not really that bad either...
Hi iionly
Thank you for your time.