Idiots guide to plugins

Okay I have started a plain english Idiots guide to creating a plugin. The object is to go through the process of creating a plugin that you can use on your site and hopefully learn a lot as you go along.

The plugin will not be uploaded to the plugins directory unless some idiot wants to spoil all the fun and you will have to go through the tutorials, modify it to suit your site and then create it before enabling it on your site.

First pages will be up on wednesday - so go along and join the group so you will be aware when something new is added to it.

The occasional help from the more experienced programmers is requested - D? Mike? Rob?

  • Good start and addition to your other help guides you started the other week Jededitor. :)

    BTW, you mean the other Rob that's on here I hope? I previously stated I'm not an experienced programmer lol, however anyway I can help in someway between trying to complete my 3 diff sites, I will do so.