Hi, everyone here. Are you know how to make activity accessible for logged in user only. I know about using of gatekeeper();
But I can't find which mod that handle activity onn Elgg 1.8.11. I have searching on Google, but what I found can't be applied on Elgg 1.8.11
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You can enable Walled Garden instead of using the gatekeeper()
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
I don't't understand how to enable Walled Garden.
Did you meant this? http://community.elgg.org/pages/view/50490/
you can use this code inside your start.php plugin or put it in the conventional area like head.php/header.php/footer.php and etc. it doesn't matter where you put it as long as you put this code inside a php file that can be seen each page hit. normally i would put it head.php for personal preference
@Cim: Thank you :)
I will try it if I can't find the thehe answer by using Walled Garden or gatekeeper();
Because by using those method it will show a message to the guest to let he know that he will need login to see those page.
After searching I found the login url, I will try you method above :)
Hey Cim, I just try it. But it don't work. I place it on views/default/page/element/head.php on this line:
// Set title
if (empty($vars['title'])) {
$title = elgg_get_config('sitename');
} else {
$title = elgg_get_config('sitename') . ": " . $vars['title'];
if((elgg_get_context() == 'activity') && elgg_is_logged_in() == FALSE) {
header( 'http://www.flenzzbility.com/login' ); // change url to where your guests want to be redirected
There are an error when accessing activity tab for non-logged in user, so I want to make it non-accessible for non-logged in user. If you not mind, you can check my website. Click the activity tab without login. Maybe you can help me for fix it XD
Looks like the tidypics plugin is causing the error. Try placing the code on a different php file. Can't help you 100% right now because I'm at work. It did work on my local elgg before I went to work.
u r having lotsa problems ! ;-)
like a kid that wants to play with the big boys ;-) -
thought about either learning about code and
programming or hiring someone who does ?;-P
goto admin site settingsand cehck this on ;-oO!
Enable the site to run as a private network.
This will not allow non logged-in users to view
any site pages other than those specifically marked as public.
Lol dhrup, he only wants the activity page to be private.
hmm;) *you told him to use the walled garden!
but your code above...?;)
probably shud just remove menulink
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