Plugins page question.

Dear All,

I am new to elgg. Yesterday I was playing with Oxwall, and I still like the elgg, and how it feels, may be it is just the name! :) But I really find some things on this web site unacceptable. One of them is the plugins page. You go to the plugins page and you have three main categories:

1. Newest

2. Most downloads

3. Most recommended


At the end of each category you have three different links:

1. Browse most recent plugins

2. Browse most downloaded plugins

3. Browse most recommended plugins


And when you click on the each link, you get the same page with the same listing based on the "newest" plugins. It reads : Found 1718 plugins, displaying 1 to 10

Listing is from the newest to the oldest. 

When I click on "browse most recomended plugins" I expect to see plugins listed based on "most recomended" criteria not the "newest".

I think for many of you this may not be a problem, but I really think that these sorts of details make a difference. Am I wrong?


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