I am having some display problems with the Evemt Calendar 0.8 plugin. Only the Title bar with the month and year appear...no calendar grid. Also, the controls for the display Day | Week | Month are available.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
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- buraddo@buraddo
buraddo - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- Jijo Joseph@jijojoseph
Jijo Joseph - 0 likes
- PatrickT@ptierney
PatrickT - 0 likes
- PatrickT@ptierney
PatrickT - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.So the first answer for event calendar is alway, are you using the latest version off the github repo.
the question is ---
" how long is a piece of string ? "
This may something wrong with the JQuery files. May be you can download a fresh one 0.84 and try.
Yes, I've downloaded the latest version from the github repo.
JiJo Joseph:
Excuse my ignorance...where can I get the JQuery files.