I've looked at the Elgg API and I saw that the ElggUser class contains the function:
Is there any elegant way to add friendship hierarchy like in facebook.
For examle, if I want to add my class mate John, I prefer to add him as one of my 'class mates' friends, by using something like:
ElggUser.addFriend($friend_guid, $my_friends_group_guid)
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- Cash@costelloc
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- svovaf@svovaf
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- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
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- Kim W@kimweir4
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- Cash@costelloc
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- svovaf@svovaf
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You must log in to post replies.It is possible to create collections of friends but the relationship itself cannot accept any additional metadata. It is also possible to create relationships other than friends. You could define a relationship called classmate.
How do I define those relationships?
add_entity_relationship($user_guid, "friend", $friend_guid)
HELP ????????? !!
All files must have an owner!
I can't get in my site as Administrator
@Kim W - your post is off-topic. Do a search on "InvalidParameterException" and see what other people have done with this.
After adding entity relationship, is it possible to post a message only to relationship members?