Is it possible to embed the topbar in an external page, other than elgg? Such as a wordpress stored in /wordpress where elgg is in /elgg? Even if I can put it onto an html simple static page, that would be fine, any advice would help!
Is it possible
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- Evan Winslow@ewinslow
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You must log in to post replies.engine/start.php in your page. Then go look how views/default/page/default.php does it.
You'll need to include the CSS as well. You can check page/elements/head for how that's done.
The changes should be done in the theme's header.php,
After you include the engine/start IMO,
right after the opening body tag in header.php,
you'll be able to just call.
echo elgg_view('page_elements/elgg_topbar');
I htink that'll do it
And of course include the css too.