Adding a widget with code to pull from another site

I am trying to figure out where to go for a finding or creating a widget for elgg 1.8 currently with default elgg theme (that I will change possibly tonight). The site it is on if needing to see theme is The code I need to insert in is from Manta and just need to add a Recommendation Box that also shows the recommendations that others have posted. The code is:

<a href=";w:250;h:470;emid:mx2cxvt">JawJak</a&gt; <script src=""></script&gt;


Any help would be extremely helpful at this stage. I know other CMSs' out there like WordPress and Joomla have where you can add a widget in all pages that shows your custom HTML and that is all I need, but for elgg. Elgg seems more stable and faster than the others with less SPAM issues so I would like to stick with it here.

Thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help.