Developer Required to make Nip and tuck Changes elgg website

Helllo i have listed work to be completed plz quote there is no real rush required or you can do it in stages quote has to be well priced as this is none profit web site cheers 

Site Modifications

Home page
Remove  Powered by HybridAuth and the dotted line on home page when not logged in 
Rename 'Latest Blogs' to 'Latest Posts'
Remove EvNix logo off the chat module
Facebook login to be configured;  I have tried to set this up but just comes back with an error -  I can supply any Facebook login ect 
Cities Tab
Under the cities tab there are 2 Titles; Cities - remove the smaller one.
I have a module installed call 'active tabs' which I really like as it adds tabs on the home page ect but are useless on the cities page; remove all tabs on cities page
The list of cities are in pages of 10 i would like to change this so there is no image next to the cities and they are grouped in 3 columns so all are displayed on one page in the same font size. I also need to retain the function of creating a new city and I would like the cities to arrange themselves in order of popularity; like on one of the tabs so the most popular city is first 
Remove cities i own and city invitations off right hand menu 
Page layout for a city 
Remove the box under the avatar photo with owner info, city members and open city 
Remove open city from right hand menu 
Rename group events, group photos and group videos on right hand menu from group to City
Remove invite user button
Remove tags from view so they are still there but not visible on screen 
Remove the title Description so the description is still visible so that  text html etc will still show 
Remove the avatar photo
city blog box to change from city blogs to City Posts also i want to change blogs to posts across whole the blogs module as there are several links like add a city blog which would need to be change to add a City Post and if you click on a category on any post it displays a window with all the blogs displaying  a new blog post  this needs to be  A New City Post i also i want about 10 blog/posts to be displayed.  Secound box i want to display would be City Activity i also want to list about 10.  I would like the columns to be bout same size in length in perfect world i would to display 10 posts and make city activity match the length so the number of activity displayed would change 
Remove Group Event  Box 
Remove Group Video Box
Remove Group Photo Box
In Short the page layout for a city should just display the  description field at the top to module boxes City Posts and City Actvity 
right hand column after doing search  
Change Groups to Cities
change Albums to Photo Albums
Change Blogs to Posts 
remove discussion topics 
remove video chat rooms
remove video conference rooms 
profile page
remove activity button from under avtar photo 
remove blogs button from under avtar photo 
remove the blogs widget so users cant add it 
remove the Video chat room widget so users cant add it 
remove the group news  widget so users cant add it 
remove the Latest photo widget so users cant add it 
remove the video conference widget so users cant add it 
change widget title from group activity to City Activity
change widget title from city membership to City Membership
change widget title from Event manager to Events 
field to be added to registration form City this is to used to set default location on google map widget zoom level 10 
event module
remove short description from event create form 
remove short Region from event create form 
error with entering time and location
i believe this module should work with google maps i entered my details in the module setting page but it still does not seem to work - any information you need i can supply google login ect 
mobile mpdule 
i need the right hand colume on activy page and other pages also right hand column on profile page disabling. As this dose not deflate making mobile site unusable  
also i want mobile mobile site to open up on tablet device like ipad as it only opens up on phone 
Remove Video chat and random chat link in the menu 
setting menu not sure it needs the links off the right rand column but need to view the rest of page  
links for admins users 
add Email to top bar between administration and settings hopefully with icon to match address /mail
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