I've been trying to set up my websites on my home pc and I have xampp test server running. I have domains registered through a shared hosting service and I'm gonna point the domains to my home pc to use it. I have everything set up, but the one issue I'm having is that the address bar and all site links show the ip address of my computer instead of the domain. In the elgg administrations settings I have the url set as http://ip-address/elgg-folder/ . So I understand why all the links on my site will show the ip-address in the url's. But what I would like to do is set it up where my domain shows instead of the ip-address. So my question is this... I found the "Login token mismatch error" page in the elgg wiki where it talks about editing the .htacess file in elgg and redirecting and logging in with www.mydomain.com in the url as oppossed to just mydomain.com and setting
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} . RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^example\.com RewriteRule (.*) http://example.com/$1 [R=301,L]
My question is, can I add something to this so that I can use my domain in the root of my site url's instead of the IP address? I'm not a coder or anything, so please excuse me if I'm not explaining correctly what my issue is. Any help you guys can give me is greatly appreciated.
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- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
- DhrupDeScoop@Dhrup2000
DhrupDeScoop - 0 likes
- rohonupe99@rohonupe99
rohonupe99 - 0 likes
- Matt Beckett@Beck24
Matt Beckett - 0 likes
You must log in to post replies.why not just use your domain in your elgg admin settings?
home pc acting as a real server ? sounds strange - if your ip is not known to the rest of the internet world via name servers. just get a normal real server and these 'problems' will be non-existent.
Matt i tried setting the url to mydomain.com instead of http://ip-address/elgg/, and that did not work.
I just re-read your original question - are you trying to host a live site using xampp? If so, don't. It's not secure, like, really really not secure. It's great for local development, but you shouldn't have xampp be publicly accessible.
Keep it internal and use the ip address, or use http://localhost/elgg