Plugin "Facebook Home page (when logged out)" - traduction en français

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Je souhaite créer un réseau social destiné aux personnes - atteintes comme moi - d'une algie périnéale ou d'une névralgie pudendale, d'où le nom du site afap-np (Association Française d'Algie Périnéale et Névralgie Pudendale). L'url est la suivante :

J'ai installé le plugin "Facebook Home page (when logged out)" et souhaiterais savoir comment changer la langue - en français - de toutes les mentions qui sont portées dans cette page de login.

Pouvez-vous m'indiquer le nom du fichier à modifier et son emplacement ?

Je précise qu'un ami - informaticien plus chevronné que moi - m'a invité de m'adresser à vous avant de devoir faire la recherche lui-même.

Je vous remercie par avance pour votre aide précieuse.




Translate by Google :


Hello all,

I want to create a social network for people - affected like me - perineal arthritis or pudendal neuralgia, hence the name of the site afap-np (French Association of Algie Périnéale and Neuralgia Pudendale). The url is the following:

I installed the plugin "Facebook Home page (when logged out)" and would like to know how to change the language - in French - of all the mentions that are carried in this page of login.

Can you tell me the name of the file to modify and its location?

I must say that a friend - a more experienced computer scientist - invited me to speak to you before having to do the research himself.

I thank you in advance for your precious help.


  • Learn docs how to do it.

    Also, Florian DANIEL aka Facyla is created some docs on the french. Perhaps, you can find some usefull information in there.

  • Thank you RvR , In addition, here are the files that Pascal need to edit. It has been a while since i worked at this plugin. From memory I will try to help you to locate where the language files are. Hopefully one of "these days" I will be able to move all language strings to one file for easier maintenance.

    First look for this files and make any changes from English to French.



    Then,  make a file called  fr.php  inside language file like this.


    Next copy all of the contents from the file called en.php into fr.php


     * User details
    return array(
        'register:password' => "Enter a combination of at least six numbers,letters (like ! and $).",      
        'register:passwordagain' => "Please Re-enter your Password Again",
        'name' => "Display Name",
        'email' => "Email Address",
        'register:email:address' => "You'll use this email to log in and to reset your password",
        'register:username' => "Please enter your New Username: You'll use it to log in",

    Finally edit your fr.php with french language for your users.

    Here is an example how the above English file should be translated:


     * French
    return array(
        'register:password' => "Mot de passe",      
        'register:passwordagain' => "Mot de passe (confirmation)",
        'name' => "Nom affiché",
        'email' => "Adresse email",
        'register:email:address' => "Adresse email",
        'register:username' => "Identifiant",

    I hope this will  help you started in the right direction...

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