The Elgg Community: Contacts importer pluggin

A simple contacts importer plugin, powered by Openinvitor

Version beta 0.1
Unzip the file.
Drop into mod.
Go to
Register your site there.
Download the general package in the downloads session.
Unzip the file.
Copy only the config.php file to mod/importer/views/default/importer
Enable it in the admin planel.
A submenu will be added in the friends session, to invite friends :-)
I need help:

  • In creating an elgg entity and a friend_guid acaode for each invitations send
  • Before inviting a user check whether he is a member, or already invited if yes, dont invite him.
  • An admin area to see all the inviatations and who invited whom.

Please contact me at drsanupmoideen[at]gmail[dot]com
Dont be a downloader only. work on it and enhance it.

I am not a proffessional programmer, only a medical student, so don't
expect some thing heavy :-)

Dear friends if you have any problem with this pluggin, please post it here. Sorry i cant help you in 

the coming days, coz my final exams are coming :-), I will reply when I have free time.

If its working dont forget to say thanks :-)


My other pluggins for Elgg

Official Community for students of Co-Operative Medical College, Kochi (CMC)




Georg Westphalen

a former physician specializing in creative concepts, outrageous comics, hilarious character designs and urban philosophy.