Elgg Blog: Elgg 1.7.15 released

We're pleased to announce the availability of Elgg 1.7.15. This is the latest release of the 1.7 branch of Elgg and contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed warnings thrown in search_get_highlighted_relevant_substrings() about mb_strpos().
  • elgg_get_entities() properly supports multiple selects.
  • Fixed incorrect handling of viewtypes in js, css, and simplecache.
  • Correctly translating "Embed / upload media" in Embed plugin.
  • elgg_list_registered_entities() no longer returns all entities if none are registered.
  • Fixed possible DB exception in user validation by email plugin.
  • Fixed OpenDD import.
We had three developers contribute code to this release:
Thanks to everyone who reported bugs, helped test, and who uses Elgg!

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