Happy birthday Elgg Community! Two years ago today the first version of the Elgg Community site launched based on Elgg 1.0. Now at 1.7, Elgg has certainly grown!
To celebrate the 2nd birthday, we're releasing 1.7.4 beta, complete with exciting bug fixes and a couple new features!
Twitter Services has been updated to use oAuth, so posts to Twitter from The Wire will work again. This requires some additional configuration for the administrator, and users will need to authorize their accounts, but this is a much more secure approach than Twitter's previous API.
Another new feature is allowing admin users to manually validate accounts. With the new User Validation plugin, unvalidated accounts are shown in the administration page and the admin can optionally resend the validation email, validate, or delete the user.
Bug fixes include:
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
Happy Birthday Elgg Community!
And thanks to all elgg team and Brett!
WoW :)
HaPPy BirthDay ElGG :)
A day for all of us here in community to rejoice and to Thank the great minds who perceived the idea implemented it and made it an open source platform for all of us :)
HaPPy ElGGInG :)
Do GooD :)
Happy Birthday Elgg Community. Big hand for the elgg team and ofcourse for the community. HAPPY ELGGING AND SOME TIME IZAPPING TOO :)
I want to see elgg celebrating 100 years :) I am already crossed 35 :( .
For every one who is helping this community to grow bigger and bigger wishing them the all the best
HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO ELGG . Elgg team rocks .
Happy birthday, Elgg!
Haaaaaaaaaaaapy b'day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO ELGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great... Congratulations to the Elgg Team, all the site members who have contributed to make this possible .... and will make it go like this for many many more year...............
Rock on...
Happy birthday!!! I like this script and this comunity!
coolest forever, wish u all the best gud luck elgg.