Note! Due to a major bug, this release can only be used for upgrades. 2.1.1 has a working installer.
Hey, look! Elgg 2.1.0 is out. The highlights are some performance improvements, some accessibility improvements in forms, and a new Ajax API for developers.
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by Raül Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
Download fails for me for due to certificate not valid for It works with
The download URLs have now been fixed.
Very, very, nice release.
Thank you guys!
i just came to test this release by upgrading my test install of elgg 2.0.3, but after running the upgrade script, the statistics page still shows the site as being 2.0.3. did i miss something?
i am not using composer, i just downloaded the zip file and overwrote the existing files on my machine.
@ura are you sure you got the new composer.json (where the version is pulled from)?
looking in the composer.json file in the /vendors/elgg/elgg/ directory that i downloaded from the elgg community as elgg 2.1, i see that the listed version is 2.0.3, whereas it should be 2.1.
i did notice that the download from was very slow indeed, so maybe some kind of server bug caused me to get 2.0.3 when i clicked the download link for 2.1?!
I think it's not only the version number displayed that's wrong. I also updated a test installation to "2.1.0" with the zip and it also shows 2.0.3 after running the uprade script (just checked it now and then also checked the content of the zip archive...).
The content of the zip compared to the 2.0.3 zip and to the 2.1 branch on github makes me believe that the 2.1.0 zip archive currently available at the community site is NOT version 2.1 of Elgg but basically just 2.0.3 with only updated versions of some dependencies in the vendor folder (but no changes in /vendor/elgg/elgg/ or in the mod folder at all!!!). is wrong. Working on it.
The zip should now have been fixed.
Fast fix!
Deprecation of global $autofeed (usage of elgg_register_rss_link() instead) seems not mentioned. Are there other possible deprecations introduced in 2.1 that are waiting to get discovered? Problem is with deprecation noticed not included in engine/lib/deprecated-X.Y.php. These are really hard to find if you don't happen to come across them directly on a test installation.
Is updating for the 2.1 docs a separate process? Right now these are not online yet, i.e. you can't check for possible hints about deprecation and other changes in the docs.
@iionly This was an oversight. #9489. We'll try to get better at this, but watching error logs for notices (deprecation and general) remains a good idea.
Just downloaded 2.1.0 from and contents look odd.
@Ismayil What's odd in your opinion? It seems to me it's no different from previous 2.X zip releases (though I'm not sure the .git folder and .gitignore has been included in each release - I would think it's not necessary for the zip releases).
As some have realized, due to #9486, 2.1.0 cannot be installed. We'll release 2.1.1 soon.
I was under the impression that zip dist includes everything in root, not in vendor, but I haven't used a zip package in ages. I don't use the starter project because I find myself spending too much time trying to locate files jumping back and forth between vendor, root and mod. My current workflow is to clone Elgg in it's entirety, setup client fork, and work with it (with some changes to gitignore, composer, et al). This makes upgrades a lot easier to manage, I can merge any branch from upstream in seconds, I dont need to figure out what files are to be removed, updated etc. I can cherry-pick certain features and don't have to remember these "hacks" because git resolves them on its own.
Yeah the jumping back and forth from vendor is an annoyance...
Hey gang, 2.1.1 is now out and fixes the installer.
Good thing I waited to see if someone encountered bugs.
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