Great documentation makes great projects, so of course we want Elgg to have high quality, up-to-date documentation. We'd love your help making that a reality.
Documentation should help you get stuff done, so we're embarking on a full rewrite of our docs to optimize for that goal. When writing the new docs, we'll:
Currently, the bulk of Elgg's docs are hosted in MediaWiki. This has sufficed for some time, but suffers from several problems:
We're solving these problems by moving the docs to main Elgg repo on GitHub, and using Sphinx to manage our docs. In addition to solving the above problems, this allows us to:
The new docs currently live at They are being updated directly from the GitHub repository every night, so any documentation-related changes made will go live within 24 hours.
Now instead of documentation happening in fits and starts, we can document Elgg continuously, as development happens.
There are a lot of docs on the wiki still. Transferring it all to the new format will be a big undertaking. Here's our recommended approach if you'd like to jump in:
To kick things off I decided to focus on the task people most commonly want help with (installation):
We'll bug you for these if you forget. We expect you to bug us if we forget, too! Here are some different types of documentation we'll be looking for:
Not every pull request will require all these types of docs, but most will require at least one type.
If something is poorly, wrongly, or not-at-all documented, we consider that a bug just as if the problem were in the code itself. Report problems to GitHub or the feedback group.
We aren't planning on supporting translations officially right now, but if you're strongly interested in maintaining something, please let us know in the feedback group and we can discuss further.
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.
Great post and effort on this kick start
I sometimes miss "like" feature on Elgg forums. Great idea and move into the right direction :)
I love "like" that can increasing our site traffic.even though it is a short click.