Have you checked that your webserver configuration points to the correct PHP version? If you enable `allow_phpinfo` in the settings.php you can go to http://yoursite/phpinfo, there you can see the path to the PHP executable.
You can also check in the server PATH to which PHP version it points, also on the command line you can type `which php` which will point you to the 'default' PHP version.
If that is not the correct one, make some configuration changes.
And don't forget about php-cli:
update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.2
where /usr/bin/php8.2 is PATH to your PHP binary as Jerome suggested
None of the suggestions worked, may be because I am using an OrangePi as a server.
I removed one and just running 8.2 and working as expected. Might be server related or elgg related (since Laravel and Symfony had no issues)
First of all thanks for your plugin "job manager". It is useful. I installed it and made its Turkish translation via by translation editor.But I have problem of inode overrun on my hosting service. So I had to delete some plugins. Then I realized that deleting the directory of job-board in the modules directory (/mod) after deactivating leaves some issues back. After deleting, I saw it in the plugins but in pink background in a situation that cannot be activated or deactivated even leave the remains, activating section.
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