
Getting Started

  • Install

    Learn about requirements and steps needed to install Elgg on your server.

  • Showcase

    Get inspiration from other projects powered by Elgg.

  • Plugins & Themes

    Find the ideal plugins and themes in our repository of community sourced projects.

  • Hello, World!

    Our tutorials will guide you through the first steps of building an Elgg plugin.

  • Beginning Developers Group

    Join our community group dedicated to helping get started with Elgg customizations and plugin development.

Developer Center

  • Documentation

    Find detailed information about Elgg's architecture, approach and features.

  • API Reference

    This is a handy resource to search and find out what functions exist within Elgg.

  • Source Code

    Elgg is an open source framework hosted and developed on Github.

  • Bug Tracker

    This is Elgg's bug tracker, if you find bugs or have patches for existing bugs then head on over and get involved.

  • Feedback & Planning

    Discussions about the past, present, and future of Elgg.

Professional Services

  • Featured Providers

    Hire trusted Elgg developers who contribute to core development and Elgg's ecosystem by participating in our supporters scheme.

  • Hosting

    Find providers who tailor their services to host Elgg projects.

  • Professional Services Group

    Find community users who provide professional Elgg services.

Giving Back

  • Supporters Scheme

    Are you an individual or organization who uses and likes Elgg? Consider becoming an official supporter of the Elgg project.

  • Contribute

    Want to improve Elgg? Check out our contributor's guide.

  • Join Our Community

    Join our community and gain first-hand experience using Elgg.

Elgg on Github

You can follow the latest work in progress or contribute via GitHub.

Elgg on Github

Supporter Scheme

Are you an individual or organization who uses and likes Elgg? Consider becoming an official supporter of the Elgg project. With only $50 per year for individuals or $150 per year for organizations, you can help the Elgg project. Learn more >>


If you are looking for somewhere to host your Elgg powered network, we are putting together a list of providers who have added Elgg hosting to their services.

A2 Hosting

Arckcloud Hosting

Arvixe Hosting